24 months to 3 years

Toddler rooms at Open Arms are designed to serve children between the ages of 24 months and 3 years.  Care is at the ratio of six children per teacher or 1:6. Communication and academic skills are developed and self-image skills, such as table manners, toilet training and dressing themselves are also taught.  Social skills such as sharing toys and positive interactions with peers are stressed throughout the day.  The positive atmosphere in the toddler room enhances a child’s good feelings about self and others.

Each of the toddler rooms have their own bathroom.  For toddlers, this is ideal for potty training!  A toddler’s biggest transition is from diapers to pull-ups and underwear.  We will maintain your practices regarding potty training.  When you think you and your child are ready to begin toilet training, we will assist you in accomplishing this skill for your child.  

In an effort to prepare children for our preschool program, toddlers are introduced to center play where they experience learning in a dramatic play area, block area, library area and experience sensory learning with sand, corn, play dough and more.  Toddlers also enjoy plenty of outdoor time so they can experience warm summer days and snow in the winter.