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12-24 months

Wobblers are those children who are transitioning from infancy into toddler-hood.  They are 12-24 months old and are typically wobbling their way around taking in everything around them.

For wobblers, care is at the ration of five children per teacher, or 1:5.  Our wobbler rooms have cots for sleeping.  Children eat their meals and snacks on a low table with little chairs just their size.  Wobblers have schedules that include outdoor time, arts and crafts, learning, reading and open playtime.

Our teachers work with wobblers as they begin to speak, share, and interact more with other children.   Wobblers begin to explore their world through sensory experiences.  They may play in a sand table, play with play dough, do a gluing project, or have various other experiences  using their senses of touch, smell and hear.