
6 week to 12 months

Open Arms infant  program is closely attuned to the predictable sequences of normal infant development in the areas of motor skills, language and communication, cognition and socialization.  Consistency in response makes the child’s environment more predictable and comfortable. 

For infants, care is at the ratio of four children per teacher or 1:4.  Our staff is highly qualified, loving and patient.  because of our low child/teacher ratio, a great deal of time is allowed for holding and cuddling the children. 

Schedules in this room vary as the infants’ needs are met immediately.  Children eat and sleep according to what is natural to them.  Open Arms provides a crib for each child along with other developmentally appropriate toys and various areas that children can rotate through during the day. Teachers make written entries throughout the day on a paper sheet, including detailed information on foods eaten, length of naps, disposition and activity level, symptoms of illness or discomfort, special experiences during the day and any extraordinary achievements such as a new word or a first step.  All notes are shared with parents.